Can Dogs Have Corn? A Corn Cob Pup

It’s corn season, folks, and that precious pup of yours has their eyes on the corn cob prize. Heading into any season, leftovers start to become a common saying around households. So do the words cornbread, sweet corn, and corn on the cob. But, can dogs have corn?

Let’s investigate how corn affects your furry friend’s diet and health.


Why Can Dogs Have Corn?

Corn runs little to no risk for your dog’s health. So, yes, your dog can enjoy some bits of corn without any worries.

One of the most popular grains around the world, corn provides a number of nutritional benefits. The amounts of healthy vitamins and minerals varies from corn to corn. That is to say, there are many different types of corn, and some are healthier than others.

Corn allergies in dogs are uncommon. But it’s always safe to make sure your dog has no allergy to corn before you feed it to them.


Can Dogs Have Corn Everyday?

Corn is a staple in just about any household. Almost every culture and nation uses corn in at least one type of dish. Due to the abundance of corn in a household, you might find yourself with some leftover corn to give to your fur baby.

So, can dogs have corn everyday? Well, your dog might actually already eat it everyday.

If you go to check the ingredients label on your dog’s food, you’re very likely to see corn listed as an ingredient. Many dog manufacturers rely on corn as an ingredient due to its relative cheapness. Also, the corn’s starch allows the dog kibbles to stick together.

But corn isn’t just used as a dog food filler. It does provide your dog nutritional value. Corn makes for a good source of protein, carbohydrates, linoleic acid, and antioxidants.

While many high carb foods aren’t great for dogs, the carbs in corn provide your pup high amounts of fiber. The high fiber in corn aids your dog’s digestive system and helps with bowel movements.

Also, the abundance of linoleic acid in corn helps promote weight loss by increasing the burning of fat. Linoleic acid helps your pup burn fat by inhibiting excess storage of fat. Linoleic acid also aids muscle growth.

Combined with corn’s solid amounts of protein, linoleic acid will have your pup lookin’ buff!


Can Dogs Have Corn On The Cob?

It’s safer to avoid feeding your dog any corn on the cob. Why? Because the cob provides a choking hazard for your canine companion. Also, if your dog somehow manages to wolf down the entire cob, the cob creates a serious risk for intestinal blockage.

Therefore it’s safe to say: stray away from feeding your pup corn on the cob.


What About Popcorn?

If you’re interested in the type of corn Orville Redenbacher loved, check out my article about popcorn, here.


Corn In A Can

Corn that comes in cans is generally safe for your dog’s consumption. However, be sure to check the ingredients label, first.

Any canned corns with excess amounts of salt or sugar should not be fed to your furry friend.


A Corn-Clusion

Allow me to corn-clude, can dogs have corn? They sure can, and chances are your pup eats corn everyday because of their dog food.

Remember, avoid feeding your pup any corn on the cob or canned corns that contain too much salt or sugar. Other than that, bon appétit!

Chase Correll