Can Dogs Eat Cashews? Nut Nutrition

Your dog may be a bit nutty, but that doesn’t mean he’s free to enjoy all nuts. Though some nuts can be safe for dogs to eat in certain forms, a number of nuts are off limits to dogs. Today we’re going to explore the safety ranking of cashews for canines. Can dogs eat cashews? Let’s find out!

Can Dogs Eat Cashews?

Maybe you’ve fed your dog a few scraps before realizing that one of the ingredients were cashews. Should you be worried? Can dogs eat cashews? Cashews are not technically toxic for dogs. This means that dogs can eat cashews.

However, if you consider serving this nut to your dog, you will have to follow strict serving guidelines in order to ensure for your dog’s safety. Just because cashews can be eaten by dogs doesn’t mean they are the best snack choice.

Cashew Risks for Dogs

Cashews may not be toxic, but then can be risky for canines. For one, like most nuts, cashews are a high-fat treat. The USDA estimates that 1 ounce (28.4 grams) of cashews contains 12 grams of fat.

Since dogs cannot consume large quantities of fat, eating too many cashews could pose health concerns. Dogs who eat too much fat run the risk of developing pancreatitis or obesity.

However, cashews pose an even greater risk due to the other nuts they are commonly packaged with. We all love to pick our favorite nuts out of variety packs, but this can be dangerous for dogs. Since macadamia nuts are very toxic to dogs, never give your dog cashews that have been mixed in with these nuts. This could cause serious health concerns.

Lastly, be aware that cashews can cause choking hazards and internal blockage for dogs, especially if they are small. Always feed dogs small amount of new foods and monitor them for adverse reactions.

Are Cashews Good for Dogs?

Let’s look at cashews from another angle. Can dogs eat cashews as a healthy snack? There are benefits of this popular nut. While high in fat, cashews also carry a lot of protein. A 1 ounce serving of cashews contains 5 grams of protein on average.

Let’s explore the benefits of the cashew nut. Nuts can reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure. Nuts also do not have cholesterol in them, and they also have fiber.

Cashews also contain copper, which optimizes blood health. They are also good for eye health.

Serving Cashews to Dogs

Firstly, not all canines are cashew compatible. Some dogs might have allergic reactions to cashews. Symptoms of allergic reactions in dogs include hives, itching, and swelling. Luckily the chances are low that your dog will be allergic to cashews.

Another issue with serving cashews to dogs is salt content. Cashews can come flavored and heavily salted. In addition to not eating too much fat, dogs should never consume too much salt in their diets. This is a serious health concern for dogs.

While it isn’t overall beneficial to serve cashews to dogs, it also shouldn’t harm your dog as long as cashews are plain, never mixed with other nuts, and served very occasionally in small quantities. However, there is no real reason to serve your dog nuts in the first place. Why not seek out a more beneficial snack?

Cashew Conclusions

Let’s review. Can dogs eat cashews? Yes, dogs can eat cashews if they are not seasoned or flavored and are not mixed with other nuts. However, cashews are high in fat and are not the best snack choice for dogs. Serve with caution!

To read about a certified safe human snack for canines, check out the benefits of apples for dogs.

Emma Polini