Can Dogs Eat Asparagus? Spear Grass Sass

Ahh yes, asparagus. Universally known for creating stinky pee. But let’s not limit this healthy vegetable with labels. Instead, I’ll explore how asparagus is of use for your furry friend. While the first question that comes to a dog owner’s mind is likely, “can dogs eat asparagus?” Surely the second question follows as so, “does asparagus make my dog’s pee stink, too?”

Lucky for you, I’ve got some answers. So let’s hunker down and take a look at this spear grass.


Why Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?

Asparagus poses zero toxic risks to your dog’s health, and the risk of an allergy is very low. Therefore, if you want your pup to munch on some spear grass, then let ‘em at it!

Originally called, “Sparrow Grass,” this spring veggie dates all the way back to the times of Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians enjoyed asparagus for much of the same reasons we do today: the flavor, the texture, and the wide variety of vitamins and nutrients.

Asparagus is basically a multivitamin pill in vegetable form. The amount of healthy nutrients in asparagus makes for quite this list:

  • Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K
  • Thiamin Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Phosphorus
  • Chromium

As I said, that’s quite the wealth of healthy nutrients. Here’s a quick breakdown of how these nutrients help benefit your dog:

Vitamin B6 and thiamine both work to boost your dog’s energy levels. As for Vitamin C, it helps your pup develop a strong immune system. Vitamin E fights off the effects of aging, while vitamin K helps your furry friend’s wounds heal.

Manganese, selenium, phosphorus, and chromium each help improve bone health, protect against heart disease, improve teeth health, and lower blood sugar, respectively.

As you can see, asparagus benefits your pup in a wide range of ways. So, why not give your pup the occasional spear grass snack?


Can Dogs Eat Asparagus Raw?

Although asparagus contains the most nutrients when raw, it’s best not to feed it raw to your furry friend. Why? Because the stalks of asparagus are quite tough when the veggie is raw.

The tough stalks make it difficult for your pup to properly chew. Because of this, your furry friend becomes at risk for choking or not properly digesting the asparagus. Improper digestion likely results in an upset tummy, vomiting, or diarrhea.

The best way to feed your pup some asparagus is likely the way you prefer to consume it: boiled or steamed. So, it’s a win-win!

You get to cook up some asparagus for your meal, and leave some aside as a healthy treat for your fur baby.

With that asparagus you set aside for your pup, make sure to chop it into small bite-sized pieces. This allows you to prevent any possible choking hazard. Also, chopped pieces are easier for your furry friend to digest.

By the way, dog owner’s with pups that have not yet been fully house trained: be warned. Like humans, dog urine also assumes a foul stench after asparagus consumption. So, only feed your pup asparagus if you’re confident they won’t go number one inside the house.


Not A Fan?

And hey, maybe you’re not a fan of asparagus. Like, at all. That’s cool, I get it. Different folks, different strokes.

So if you’re not ever buying asparagus from the store, consider feeding your pup some raw carrots or celery as a healthy snack alternative.

Unlike asparagus, your pup easily digests raw carrots or celery.


A Final Word

So, can dogs eat asparagus? You know it!

However, avoid feeding your fur baby any raw asparagus. Although the raw asparagus does boast the highest amounts of healthy nutrients, your dog struggles to chew it and digest it well. So, stick to giving them some boiled or steamed asparagus.

Don’t worry, they’ll still love the heck out of you!

Chase Correll